I had the weirdest dream last night.
Not one of those NyQuil-induced, running from zombies kind of dreams either. I dreamt I was actually in the book Go, Dog. Go! Okay...so maybe is was like one of those NyQuil-induced, running from zombies kind of dreams...but I was cold medicine clean on my word.
Anyway, the 1961 classic by P.D. Eastman has always been one of my favorites. I believe Eastman understood the repetitive nature for parents of reading books to young children and managed to layer the book to appeal to adults as well as kids.
Then again, maybe I am just really that jejune.
So, here I am in the middle one of my all-time favorite books going through the story. Now, I know I've read this book a thousand times to both the teenager (when she was younger, of course) and now the Crazy Tomato. Baby C is on deck for what's sure to be more recital than readings for her turn at the classic tale of dogs gone wild. To say I'm familiar with the story, plot and characters is attuned to saying Ronald McDonald is familiar with Happy Meals...hey wait...okay, go ahead. I set that one up for you way too easy.
I was driving to work this morning seriously wondering if this is how it all starts. First, you begin dreaming you're part of childhood stories. Then, you begin exiting the mall looking for your parked car wandering aimless before finally realize you didn't even drive. Next, you start repeating the same stories over and over completely oblivious to prior tellings. Somewhere around here in the analysis I realized...that all of the above already apply to me! GASP
I changed my destination to Walmart before work to pick up some adult diapers. I mean...that's obviously next in my rapid decline into dementia, and I wear Khaki pants every single day. Not going to chance 'it' happening and me not even realizing 'it' while walking around the office. SIGH
About this point, I looked around to survey the progression of my daily commute. Line of cars bumper-to-bumper, full speed ahead. Typical. Wait a second...this looks very familiar. Yes...it...does. Hey! My daily commute looks a lot like...
...come to think of it, I know Mrs. Tony C and I have had exchanges like this (maybe not about hats) too many times to count...

...this, looks a lot like...
Earlier Saturday mornings at the Tony C estate...
Finally I realized...that's it! I didn't just dream I was in Go Dogs. Go!...I actually live there nearly every day! The hectic pace of modern day life in a dog-eat-dog world...there's an obvious connection! Maybe I'm not ready for the Haldol just yet after all. SHEW
It's also reassuring to know that even in my kooky dream last night, there was Mrs. Tony C cheering me on...
...but I won't be sharing that part of the dream with you folks. Sorry.
Thanks for the spiritual approach to commuting. ;)
Wow...can you say 'bad timing?'
Please know this was written BEFORE the news about Tennessee legendary coach Pat Summit had her press conference. My sincere prayers go out to her and her family as she battles the early onset of demensia at age 59.
why is it I can always say about your posts...how funny! so entertaining.
and I did not know that about Pat!
I busted a gut on this one Tony C! With two preschoolers, I know this book all too well.
One questions- who's Pat Summit?
Melissa B
Charleston Crew
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