Thursday, November 6, 2008

If 'ifs' and 'buts' were candy and nuts...

One thing is for absolute certain...we became a different country this week. I don't mean that in a bad way either.

I didn't vote for Barrack Obama because of his politics. Pure and simple. I didn't get wrapped up in all of the mudslinging and hoopla. Deep down, I believe he is an honorable man who loves his country as much as I do. The Office of the President demands respect. If we stop respecting the office here, how can we expect the world to respect it...and ultimately us?

But there is another reason, as a Christian, that commands me to show respect (thanksgiving). The Bible clearly directs in I Timothy 2:1-4:

1I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

I've read a lot of post the past few days and taken in what many have to say. Some I agree with and some I don't. I didn't vote for Barrack Obama, but regardless, I am going to start doing three things diligently beginning today:

  • First, I'm going to celebrate the amazing fact our country has changed for the better. Not because of who Obama is, but rather what he represents. Our country elected a black President on Tuesday just 44 years after passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That's in my lifetime! God surely smiles on us for that fact. The feelings of our Founding Fathers ring truer today than over 230 years ago when first written in our Declaration of Independence...all men are created equal.

  • I'm going to watch and listen. As citizens of this great nation, we must hold our elected officials accountable. Notice I didn't say I'm going to nitpick or belittle. That accomplishes nothing. When an issue comes up of importance to me, I will call or write my U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators and express my view on the matter. They work for me and need to know how I feel. You need to do the same. Be precise, polished and polite and your words will not fall on deaf ears.

  • Last, I'm going to pray. God has blessed all Americans- young and old, rich and poor, Democrats and Republicans. I will pray and ask His wisdom guide and direct our leaders in all their decisions. Now more than ever, we needs His hand on our country. Please pray with me for our outgoing President and our President-elect.

If you're an American, that's bigger than any political party or single ideology. I know... I feel the same letdown many of you do, but that's only because our side lost. At this time in history, the majority of our fellow citizens don't necessarily agree with what we feel to be the right course of action for our country. I respect that and will move forward. There's plenty to do for all of us...and future battles yet to be fought.

I didn't vote for President-elect Obama...but that became an irrelevant point Wednesday morning. God bless our new President... and our Great Nation.


Anonymous said...

Hey Tony, I jumped to your blog from SCL and I can say it is amazing how many Christians are emerging with this attitude of confidence and peace. Great post. Hope I get to read some more of what you have to say.

Tapline said...

Tony, Thanks for stopping by my Blog. I usually wait until somethng really starts to bug me and then I write, because it feels good to have someone else validate my feeling. enjoyed your blog. I admire your take on what role we christians should take regarding this election. Sorry, I still hurt by the lies and fraudulant activities tolerated by our government and it really makes my blood boil. Both of my cheeks are red and my neck hurts from turning the other cheek. Maybe I have to pray more, but I also believe that God help them who helps themselves and so I! We can pray that things will go differently, but if this election is any sign of what is to come. God help us. Time will tell and I will as others wait upon the Lord.....stay well.....

Z said...

We're told to pray for our leadership but THIS will be a hard one. I'm going to pray he really is a Christian and that the Holy Spirit really does a thing on him to change his heart and that truths come out instead of what we've been hearing...because they sure haven't been truths, that is FOR SURE.

I'm with tapline...May God help us all. And He will.

Lula! said...

This was good, Tony...good, good, good.

BUT...I have one little issue. This whole deal with Obama being the first "black" president. Um...he's BIRACIAL! How does having an absent, black birth father, yet being raised by white women, make someone black? I have a biological nephew who has a black mother...and he's biracial. He tells people he's "tan."

I'll be much happier when the man is described as what he is...a man of two races. NOT a black man.

Can you tell I feel strongly about this, Tony????

Tony C said...


I think I felt that coming through!

You are right. How his race is considered black is puzzling.

I worked with another officer while in the Marine Corps, and his dad was white and his mother black. He was updating his base registration one day and, in my presence, he was asked 'race?' Very offended he loudly responded 'black!' I'd met his parents not long before that and wondered how he came to that conclusion.

I guess the moral is not everything is black and white...there are a lot of shades in between.